Welcome to the Blueprint documentation
What is Blueprint?
Blueprint is intended as the foundation for all future Kraken-powered consumer sites. It contains a collection of example applications with examples of different market integrations, allowing clients of Kraken to develop new consumersites at blazing speed 🔥
Tech stack
Blueprint relies heavily on utilising the latest technologies to provide the following capabilities:
- Next.js - all things front-end
- Turborepo - high-performance monorepo
- Vercel - speedy reliable deployments
- Storyblok - content management
- CircleCI - continuous integration/deployment
Main features
You can see a full list of apps and a detailed exploration of core features that ship with a Blueprint repo. Here is a high level overview:
Feature | Description |
Login | The core solution behind the login, logout and handling of access tokens |
Expiring URLs | The solution to handle authentication when using a personalised link containing a pre-signed key |
Content management | Displaying blog posts, FAQ's and page content using the Storyblok CMS |
Masquerade | Providing a mechanism to allow staff to login and navigate the site as a user |
Internationalisation | Site wide methods to translate contents to different locales |
User details managment | Update contact details, password and communication preferences |
Request password reset | Request an email to reset my forgotten password |
Bills list | Get the list of bills associated to an account and links to download the pdf |
One-off card payments | Integrate Stripe with Kraken's APIs to make a card payment onto a ledger |
Payments and charges | Historical transactions for a given ledger on an account, payment schedules and forecasts |
Update bank details | Generate update bank details form |
Energy Insights | View your energy consumption and insights |
Market features
Some features are only relevant for particular markets. We document those separately in our Market Features section.
How to make a Blueprinted repo
The current recommended method is to clone the Blueprint repository and configure the cloned repository to your project's details.
The next 3 sections (cloning, installation and configuration) will guide you through this process.