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These are the apps that ship with the Blueprint repo:

French Energy consumer site

The French Energy consumer site app is an example application which uses a French Energy test environment to demo various core and French market features of a Kraken-backed consumer site. You can start that app locally by running the following:

cd apps/fr-energy-consumer-site
pnpm dev

It also has a Storybook showing example pages and account states you can expect to see for accounts that service the French Energy market. You can start that Storybook locally by running the following:

cd apps/fr-energy-consumer-site
pnpm storybook

British Energy consumer site

The British Energy consumer site app is an example application which uses a British Energy test environment to demo various core and British market features of a Kraken-backed consumer site. You can start that app locally by running the following:

cd apps/gb-energy-consumer-site
pnpm dev

It also has a Storybook showing example pages and account states you can expect to see for accounts that service the GB Energy market. You can start that Storybook locally by running the following:

cd apps/gb-energy-consumer-site
pnpm storybook


This is a meta app where we document everything about Blueprint and it's apps. You're reading it right now. This can evolve into project documentation for projects that start from Blueprint.

You can start the docs app locally by running the following:

cd apps/docs
pnpm start