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Improving our packages

· 3 min read
Gilly A
Staff Software Engineer
João R
Software Engineer
Rich T
Software Engineer
Benedict B
Senior Software Engineer

Hi there folks, we wanted to report on the progress of our packages as we roll them out to more customers!



✨ New feature! ✨ Vercel feature flags utilities

It's no secret that we like to try out new features and improvements with Kraken and the consumer sites that use it. To that end, we've bundled up our approach to working with Vercel's feature flags for easy consumption, and typescript support to boot. Check out the docs.

✨ New feature! ✨ Consumption Cards

We love a chart - these cards give you a quick summary of where you're at with your consumption this week as compared to last week. More improvements to come, including cost where available. See our docs for examples!


blueprint-auth is now in production with two customers!

This a massive milestone for us - a key goal for the team has always been to make authentication with Kraken simpler to do and easier to maintain. Having something portable for this is especially relevant for organisations with multiple consumer sites, so that a unifed approach can be easily adopted.

Kraken supports many flavours of authentication - from email/password login, masquerade, expiring urls and OAuth - maintaining a secure and consistent session in the face of these various inputs is something we want to make as easy as possible. We're now able to leverage this package to push out new features of the Kraken authentication model to our customers. In particular, there was a recent API change that invalidated session tokens following an update to the email or password. This requires consuming front ends to:

  • show a message to indicate to the user that they'll have to log in again when they make a change to email or password (see our examples on the personal details page - try typing a change to the email address to see the message appear)
  • make a request that triggers a check of the existing token
  • check for the resulting error
  • remove existing session cookies
  • redirect to login and recover

We were able to add elements this new feature to our packages, which made it simpler for consuming applications to add this feature to their sites.

Next up

We're now working on improvements to our handling of organisation-permission mutations and queries, so stay tuned for more updates to this key flow.

Watch this space, more features powered-by-Blueprint coming soon!