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API reference


This is a next.config.js webpack config wrapper to fix 'No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one' issue with @tanstack/react-query when imported in server-side code:


import { withBlueprintAuth } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js next.config.js file:

const withBlueprintAuth = require('@krakentech/blueprint-auth');

module.exports = {
webpack: (config, context) => {
return withBlueprintAuth({ config, context });


Provides context to auth hooks.


import { AuthProvider } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js _app.tsx file:

import { AuthProvider } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />

export default App;

This is a very basic example. You probably have other providers in your _app.tsx file, make sure you wrap the ones that need to use the auth hooks with the AuthProvider.


This function is meant to be used in a Next.js middleware function:

  • It will check if the user is authenticated and has the necessary tokens to access the requested protected route.
  • If the user is not authenticated, it will redirect them to the login page.
  • If the user is authenticated, it will check if the access token is still valid and refresh it if necessary.

The krakenConfig.xClientIpSecrectKey is used as the value of the x-client-ip-authorization header. This header is used by Kraken to prevent valid server-side requests, which originate from a single/pool of IPs (this will be the case if you host your app in Vercel for example), from being erroneously rate-limited. More information can be found on this Kraken announcement.


import { authMiddleware } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

We expose this function separately to avoid bundling code that is unsupported in Edge Runtime. Learn More:


In your Next.js middleware.ts file:

import { NextResponse, type NextRequest } from 'next/server';
import { authMiddleware } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export const config = {
matcher: [

export async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
const res = NextResponse;

return await authMiddleware({
krakenConfig: {
graphqlEndpoint: process.env.KRAKEN_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT,
xClientIpSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_X_CLIENT_IP_SECRET_KEY,
appRoutes: {
anon: {
path: '/anon',
getPreSignedKey: (url) => {
const [_anon, preSignedKey] = url.pathname

return { preSignedKey };
dashboard: {
path: '/dashboard',
login: {
path: '/login',
masquerade: {
path: '/masquerade',
getUserIdAndMasqueradeToken: (url) => {
const [_masquerade, userId, masqueradeToken] = url.pathname

return { userId, masqueradeToken };

setCustomHeaders: (headers) => {
headers.set(name, value);
useSecureCookie: !process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test',


Handles the login process. This function must be used in a Next.js API route:

  • It first checks if the request method is POST, if not, it returns 405 response.
  • Then it creates a new Headers object, optionally including any custom headers passed in.
  • If the request is successful, it sets the necessary auth cookies necessary and returns a 200 response with a standardised JSON object.
  • If the request fails, it returns a 400 response with a standardised JSON object.


import { loginHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js login api route:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { loginHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
await loginHandler({
krakenConfig: {
graphqlEndpoint: process.env.KRAKEN_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT,
xClientIpSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_X_CLIENT_IP_SECRET_KEY,
setCustomHeaders: (headers) => {
headers.set(name, value);
useSecureCookie: !process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test',


Handles the logout process. This function must be used in a Next.js API route:

  • It first checks if the request method is GET, if not, it returns 405 response.
  • Then it removes every auth related cookie and returns a 200 response with the Cache-Control header set and a standardised JSON object.


import { logoutHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js logout api route:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { logoutHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {


Handles the session state. This function must be used in a Next.js API route:

  • It first checks if the request method is GET, if not, it returns 405 response.
  • Then asserts the current auth state of the user by retrieving the auth related cookies.
    • The isAuthenticated value is derived from the presence of either:
      • both 'access' and 'refresh' cookies
      • a 'masquerade' cookie
    • The isMasquerading value is derived from the presence of a 'masquerade' cookie.
    • The sub state is derived from the presence of a 'sub' cookie.
  • Then returns a 200 response with the Cache-Control header set to prevent caching and a JSON object with the derived state.


import { sessionHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js session api route:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { sessionHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {


Handles every Kraken GraphQL request. This function must be used in a Next.js API route:

  • It first checks if the request method is POST, if not, it returns 405 response.
  • Then it creates a new Headers object, optionally including any custom headers passed in.
  • If the request is successful, it returns a 200 response with the data object.
  • If the request fails, it returns a 200 response with the error object.
  • If the request fails due to a ACCESS TOKEN EXPIRED error, it will attempt to refresh the access token and retry the request.
  • If the request fails due to other auth related errors, it will remove the auth cookies and return the error.

If you intend to make organization scoped requests (either by using the getGraphQLClient helper with it's scope prop set to organization or by using the organizationScopedGraphQLClient returned by the useGraphQLClients hook) you need to pass a few additional props:

  • krakenConfig.organizationSecretKey: the secret key of the organization.
  • encryption: an object with the key and iv values used to encrypt the organization token. We use these to encrypt/decrypt the organization token. This is to prevent the token from being exposed to the client as this is a sensitive and unique value issued by Kraken and a bad actor could potentially use it to make organization scoped authenticated queries/mutations. Both the key and iv must be at least 12 characters long. One possible way of generating them is by using the following command: openssl rand -base64 12. We recommend storing these values in your environment variables. Both of them should be rotated periodically.
  • edgeConfig: an object with the envVar, teamId and authToken values. We are storing the encrypted organization token in the Vercel Edge Config Store connected to you Vercel project, which means that you need to set one up. You can do that at the following URL:<team-id>/<your-project-name>/stores. Once you create one, Vercel will automatically create an EDGE_CONFIG environment variable for you. This is the value that you need to pass to the edgeConfig.envVar prop. Its value should look like this:<edge-config-store-id>?token=<auth-token>. You'll also have to create an access token so that you can interact with the store.

If you try to make an organization scoped request without passing these props, the request will fail with errors stating that they are missing. Basically, if you see any of the following errors, it means that you need to pass the missing props to the graphqlHandler function:

  • blueprint-auth: getOrganizationAccessToken — krakenConfig.organizationSecretKey is required.
  • blueprint-auth: createOrganizationTokenUtils — edgeConfig.envVar, edgeConfig.teamId, and edgeConfig.authToken are required.
  • blueprint-auth: createEncryptionUtils — encryption.key and encryption.iv are required. Bear in mind that their values should have at least 12 characters. One possible way of generating them is by using the following command: openssl rand -base64 12.

If you want to prevent mutations from being executed in dev mode whenever devs are pointing to a production api, you can set the preventMutationsOnProdApiWhileInDev prop to true.


import { graphqlHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js graphql api route:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { graphqlHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
await graphqlHandler({
krakenConfig: {
graphqlEndpoint: process.env.KRAKEN_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT,
organizationSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_ORGANIZATION_KEY,
xClientIpSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_X_CLIENT_IP_SECRET_KEY,
setCustomHeaders: (headers) => {
headers.set(name, value);
useSecureCookie: !process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test',
shouldValidateUrl: !process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test',
encryption: {
key: process.env.AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY,
iv: process.env.AUTH_ENCRYPTION_IV,
edgeConfig: {
envVar: process.env.EDGE_CONFIG,
teamId: process.env.VERCEL_TEAM_ID,
authToken: process.env.VERCEL_AUTH_TOKEN,


Handles the OAuth process. This function must be used in a Next.js API route:


import { krakenOAuthHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js OAuth api route:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { krakenOAuthHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
await krakenOAuthHandler({
krakenConfig: {
authEndpoint: process.env.KRAKEN_AUTH_ENDPOINT,
clientId: process.env.KRAKEN_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.KRAKEN_CLIENT_SECRET,
appRoutes: {
login: '/login',
logout: '/logout',
krakenOAuth: '/api/auth/kraken-oauth',


Handles the update organization token request. This is meant to be a cron job and must be used in a Next.js API route:

  • It first checks if the request is authorized by checking if the authorization header matches the CRON_SECRET environment variable. The secret can be any string value.
  • Then it updates the organization token.
  • If both the request to get the token and write the token to the edge config are successful, it returns a 200 response with the data object.
  • If the request fails, it returns a 200 response with the error object.

You will also have to configure the api route where you use this handler to be a cron job in Vercel. You can do that by creating a vercel.json file at the root of your project with the following content:

"$schema": "",
"crons": [
"path": "/api/auth/update-org-token",
"schedule": "*/55 * * * *"

Set the schedule value to the desired cron job schedule. The example above will run the cron job every 55 minutes. (usually, the organization token expires every hour)


import { updateOrgTokenHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js update organization token api route:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { updateOrgTokenHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
await updateOrgTokenHandler({
krakenConfig: {
graphqlEndpoint: process.env.KRAKEN_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT,
organizationSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_ORGANIZATION_KEY,
xClientIpSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_X_CLIENT_IP_SECRET_KEY,
encryption: {
key: process.env.AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY,
iv: process.env.AUTH_ENCRYPTION_IV,
edgeConfig: {
envVar: process.env.EDGE_CONFIG,
teamId: process.env.VERCEL_TEAM_ID,
authToken: process.env.VERCEL_AUTH_TOKEN,


Creates the Kraken OAuth URI.


import { createKrakenOAuthURI } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js page where you want to redirect the user to the Kraken OAuth page. This URI should be used in a button or link to redirect the user to the Kraken OAuth page.

import { createKrakenOAuthURI } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const { req, res } = context;

const authorizeURI = await createKrakenOAuthURI({
krakenConfig: {
authEndpoint: process.env.KRAKEN_AUTH_ENDPOINT as string,
oauthClientId: process.env.KRAKEN_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID as string,
krakenOAuthApiRoute: '/api/auth/kraken-oauth',

return {
props: {


Hook that provides a function to login a user.


import { useLogin } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your component:

import { useLogin } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

const LoginButton = ({ email, password }) => {
const { mutate } = useLogin();

return <button onClick={() => mutate({ email, password })}>Login</button>;


Hook that provides a function to logout a user.


import { useLogout } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your component:

import { useLogout } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

const LogoutButton = () => {
const { mutate } = useLogout();

return <button onClick={() => mutate()}>Logout</button>;


Hook that provides the current auth session data. Bear in mind that this "@tanstack/react-query" hook has all refetch properties set to true ( refetchOnMount, refetchOnWindowFocus and refetchOnReconnect) which means that you should see quite a few requests being made to the session endpoint, especially if you keep refocusing the window when using the browser's developer tools.


import { useSession } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your component:

import { useSession } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

const Page = () => {
const {
} = useSession();

if (isInitialLoading) {
return <p>Loading...</p>;

return (
<p>Authenticated: {isAuthenticated ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>
<p>Masquerading: {isMasquerading ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>
<p>Sub: {sub}</p>
<button onClick={() => invalidateSessionCache()}>
Invalidate session


This function is used to prefetch the session data. It's useful when you want to prefetch the session data on the server-side.


import { prefetchSession } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js page:

import { QueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { prefetchSession } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

await prefetchSession({

return {
props: {
dehydratedState: dehydrate(queryClient),


This function is used to get the session data. It's useful when you want to get the session data on the server-side.


import { getSessionData } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js page:

import { getSessionData } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const sessionData = await getSessionData({
req: context.req,
res: context.res,

return {
props: {...},


There are two methods available in this hook:

  • getAuthErrorCode(e: unknown) - this method returns the errorCode based on the errorType (such as 'UNAUTHORIZED', 'AUTH_HEADER_NOT_PROVIDED', etc) from the server response.
  • handleKrakenErrors(onError?: (e: unknown) => void)) - this method can be used in the errorCallback prop in the Blueprint hooks and in other places where you need to handle the authentication related errors. It will check the error code and either call the custom onError function if provided, or redirect the user to the login page with the current page as the next page and the error code as a query parameter


import { useKrakenAuthErrorHandler } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your component:

import { useKrakenAuthErrorHandler } from "@krakentech/blueprint-auth";

// Check the error code using the error received from the server. If it's authentication related error, you will get the error code.
const { getAuthErrorCode } = useKrakenAuthErrorHandler();


const errorCode = getAuthErrorCode({ response: { errors: error.graphQLErrors }});

if (errorCode) {
//Do something

// Pass it in the errorCallback in the Blueprint hooks. Example with useMeasurements hook below
const { handleKrakenErrors } = useKrakenAuthErrorHandler();


const measurements = useMeasurements({
variables: {
dateLocale: config.i18n.dateLocales[locale || ''],
enabled: true,
first: 14,
dateRange: DateRangeToggleValue.WEEK,
errorCallback: handleKrakenErrors,


This hook returns an object with two GraphQL clients: one scoped to the user and the other to the organization (organization scope deprecated - see getServerSideGraphQLClients).


import { useGraphQLClients } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In a custom react query hook, for example:

import { useMutation } from 'react-query';
import { getGraphQLClient } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

const UpdatePassword = gql`
mutation UpdatePassword($input: UpdatePasswordInput!) {
updatePassword(input: $input) {
viewer {

export const useCreateAccount = (input: UpdatePasswordInput) => {
const { userScopedGraphQLClient } = useGraphQLClients();

return useMutation({
mutationFn: async () => {
return userScopedGraphQLClient.request(UpdatePassword, {
import { useMutation } from 'react-query';
import { getGraphQLClient } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

const CreateAccountMutation = graphql(`
mutation CreateAccount($input: CreateAccountInput!) {
createAccount(input: $input) {

export const useCreateAccount = (input: CreateAccountInput) => {
// @deprecated - create a custom API route using getServerSideGraphQLClients
// for organisation scoped requests
const { organizationScopedGraphQLClient } = useGraphQLClients();

return useMutation({
mutationFn: async () => {
return organizationScopedGraphQLClient.request(


This helper function returns GraphQL clients scoped to either the user or the organization to make it easier for you to make authenticated GraphQL requests.

It's meant to be used in Next.js Node.js and Edge Runtime environments, in particular getServerSideProps, getStaticProps, API handlers of the pages router, but also in the middleware, and in route handlers of the app router.

⚠️ The current implementation is not compatible with server-components.

This function returns an object containing both organizationScopedGraphQLClient and userScopedGraphQLClient GraphQL clients. They can be used to make authenticated requests directly to the Kraken API by providing the appropriate credentials and API URL.

Note: if you enabled Vercel's deployment protection, you will have to also enable the "Protection Bypass for Automation" so that requests that use either of these functions can be made successfully in preview deployments as well.

redirectEntry block in Storyblok

CAVEAT - Requests made with userScopedGraphQLClient in getStaticProps won't be authenticated. This is because getStaticProps runs at build time and doesn't have access to the session's cookies.


import { getServerSideGraphQLClients } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js page:

import { getServerSideGraphQLClients } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


const ViewerQuery = gql`
query Viewer {
viewer {
accounts {

const CreateAccountMutation = gql`
mutation CreateAccount($input: CreateAccountInput!) {
createAccount(input: $input) {

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const { userScopedGraphQLClient, organizationScopedGraphQLClient } = getServerSideGraphQLClients({
krakenGraphqlApiUrl: '',

const { viewer } = await userScopedGraphQLClient.request(ViewerQuery);

const { createAccount } = await organizationScopedGraphQLClient.request(CreateAccountMutation, {
input: {

return {
props: {
krakenGraphqlApiUrlThe URL of the Kraken GraphQL API URL. ⚠️ You MUST provide the full path (including the protocol), and don't forget the trailing slash. Example
contextThe context object from Next.js, either GetServerSidePropsContext or GetStaticPropsContext, or an object containing the request and response { req: Request | NextRequest, res: Response | NextResponse }GetServerSidePropsContext | GetStaticPropsContext | { req: Request | NextRequest, res: Response | NextResponse }
configVarious Kraken environment variables - full description belowGetServerSideCliensGraphQLConfigOptions (optional)
Example config object

The values here are the defaults set by Blueprint - if you set these values in your env file they will get picked up automatically, or you can pass them in explicitly.

const config: GetServerSideCliensGraphQLConfigOptions = {
krakenConfig: {
// the secret key for the organisation you want to authenticate as
organizationSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_ORGANIZATION_KEY,
// the secret key used for your kraken to override the ip address for requests for rate limiting purposes
xClientIpSecretKey: process.env.KRAKEN_X_CLIENT_IP_SECRET_KEY,
// a value to use to override the x-client-ip address passed to Kraken.
// This is useful if your build process or e2e tests are getting rate limited by a localhost ip address.
xClientIpOverride: '',
edgeConfig: {
// edge config string for the project, used for caching encrypted org tokens
envVar: process.env.EDGE_CONFIG,
// vercel team id
teamId: process.env.VERCEL_TEAM_ID,
// vercel auth token
authToken: process.env.VERCEL_AUTH_TOKEN,
encryption: {
// the encryption key used to encrypt the cached org tokens
key: process.env.AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY,
// the IV used to encrypt the cached org tokens
iv: process.env.AUTH_ENCRYPTION_IV,
// callback to modify the default request headers (optional)
setCustomHeaders: null,
// set to false to disable secure cookies, e.g. in tests
useSecureCookie: true;


All examples below showcase the organizationScopedGraphQLClient, but the userScopedGraphQLClient GraphQL client shares the same API.

  • Page server-side rendering (pages router)
const thirdPartyViewerQuery = gql`
query {
thirdPartyViewer {

const Page = ({ thirdPartyViewer }: InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>) => {
return (
<Stack direction="vertical" gap="sm">
Third Party Viewer: {}{' '}
<i>(org scoped request)</i>

export const getServerSideProps = async (context: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
const { organizationScopedGraphQLClient } = getServerSideGraphQLClients({
krakenGraphqlApiUrl: '',

const { thirdPartyViewer } = await organizationScopedGraphQLClient.request(thirdPartyViewerQuery);

return { props: { thirdPartyViewer } };
  • API handler (pages router)
export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
const { organizationScopedGraphQLClient } = getServerSideGraphQLClients({
krakenGraphqlApiUrl: '',
context: { req, res },

const { thirdPartyViewer } = await organizationScopedGraphQLClient.request(thirdPartyViewerQuery);

return res.json(thirdPartyViewer);
  • Route handler (app router)
export async function GET(req: NextRequest) {
const res = new NextResponse();

const { organizationScopedGraphQLClient } = getServerSideGraphQLClients({
krakenGraphqlApiUrl: '',
context: { req, res },

const { thirdPartyViewer } = await organizationScopedGraphQLClient.request(thirdPartyViewerQuery);

return NextResponse.json(thirdPartyViewer, res);
  • Next.js middleware (pages and app router)
export async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
const res =;

const { organizationScopedGraphQLClient } = getServerSideGraphQLClients({
krakenGraphqlApiUrl: '',
context: { req, res }

const { thirdPartyViewer } = await organizationScopedGraphQLClient.request(thirdPartyViewerQuery);

// do something with the request result

Rate limiting

If you find your build processes or automated tests are being incorrectly rate limited on your organisation requests because the IP being used to rate limit is something like, you can set an x-client-ip header to be used to rate limit against. You'll need to set xClientIpSecretKey and xClientIpOverride in your client config.


  • Convenience wrapper

Configuring the GraphQL client in every server-rendered page and API endpoint can redundant and error prone, in particular if you consistently need to set configuration options. You could create a convenience wrapper around getServerSideGraphQLClients for easy reuse.

// src/lib/blueprint-auth/server.ts
import {
} from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

export function getGraphQLClients({
}: Pick<GetServerSideGraphQLClientArgs, 'context'>) {
return getServerSideGraphQLClients({
krakenGraphqlApiUrl: process.env.KRAKEN_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT || '',
config: {
setCustomHeaders(headers) {
headers.set('x-custom-header', process.env.MY_CUSTOM_HEADER);
useSecureCookie: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test',
  • Alternative object config

The request method of the AuthenticatedGraphQLClient class uses the same API as request method from the GraphQLClient class from graphql-client. It is therefore compatible with the alternative object config:

const { account } = await userScopedGraphQLClient.request(
{ accountNumber: context.query.accuntNumber },

const { account } = await userScopedGraphQLClient.request({
document: accountQuery,
variables: { accountNumber: context.query.accuntNumber },
  • Request-level headers

The setCustomHeaders config allows setting custom headers at the client level, meaning all requests made with the same client instance will share these headers. If you need to set headers for a particular request, you can provide them to the request method:

const { account } = await userScopedGraphQLClient.request(
{ accountNumber: context.query.accuntNumber },
{ 'x-custom-header': 'MY_CUSTOM_HEADER' },

Alternatively, using the object config, which can be convenient for queries without variables:

const { viewer } = await userScopedGraphQLClient.request({
document: viewerQuery,
requestHeaders: { 'x-custom-header': 'MY_CUSTOM_HEADER' },
  • Abort requests with AbortController

In case you need to abort a request, you can pass an AbortSignal instance using the alternative object config:

const abortController = new AbortController();

const { viewer } = await userScopedGraphQLClient.request({
document: viewerQuery,
signal: abortController.signal,

// somewhere else in your code


This function sets the nextPage search param in the URL. This is the search param that we are setting in the authMiddleware function when we redirect the user to the login page.


import { setNextPageSearchParam } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


import { setNextPageSearchParam } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';

const url = new URL(...);
const nextUrl: NextUrl = ...;
setNextPageSearchParam({ url, nextUrl });


This function redirects the user to the nextPage search param in the URL. It sanitizes the URL to prevent XSS attacks by checking if the URL is either a relative or an absolute path.


import { redirectToNextPage } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


In your Next.js page:

import { redirectToNextPage } from '@krakentech/blueprint-auth';


const Page = () => {
const router = useRouter();

useEffect(() => {
defaultPath: '/dashboard',
}, []);

return <p>Redirecting...</p>;